Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sign 1

Well, I am not sure what this is the first sign of, but in the next 90 days, there will be 3 signs. The first of which is that I turned 30 today. It feels like just yesterday I was huddled over a computer cramming for a test in college (or grabbing a shower beer and preparing for a Friday night party). I thought time in college went fast, but it seems like it has been accelerating ever since.

Over the next 3 months, I will also be joining the partnership at the consulting firm I work at, as well as getting hitched to the love of my life. I can only hope that 2008 is half as good as 2007 is going to be. Other notable events in the next 3 months, some related to these signs, are 2 trips to Vegas, a trip to Wisconsin, a trip to Hawaii and a trip to the Bahamas.

Lets get this summer started.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one hell of a summer, Joe!!! Happy birthday, congratulations, and all that jazz. We'll look forward to all the partying. :)

9:26 AM  
Blogger Tristan said...

Happy belated B-Day! Sorry I missed it. 30's fine. Just wait 'till you hit 31! ;)

Seriously, that sounds like an awesome lineup of stuff you've got coming up... congrats on all of it and have safe and wonderful travels!

4:18 PM  

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